Neuroscience and technology improve people's experience in hotels

 The world of hospitality has always been in search of excellence both to create the best experience for its guests and to find the right compromise between operational excellence and sustainability that guarantee healthy business development. New discoveries in neuroscience and new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, can be applied to this world, but a real paradigm shift is needed to move from customer experience to people experience . Each actor involved must be equipped with tools designed specifically for them in order to best enhance their role in the value chain.

The future of hotels is shaped by the Tech Report “Hospitality 2024: neuroscience and technologies to improve people's experience in hotels” from VDA Telkonet. This report presents a pilot project for neuroscientific monitoring in hospitality and highlights the key role of technology in promoting the well-being of guests and professionals, while simultaneously contributing to operational efficiency and sustainability

The challenge of “people experience”

The international survey involves 100 Italian hotels and explores the potential of technologies linked to neuroscience, artificial intelligence and data analytics to redefine the hotel landscape. A key fact that stands out is that 90% of hoteliers particularly value technology solutions that can provide real-time data on the status and operation of devices. Constant monitoring enables predictive maintenance, ensuring customer safety and comfort and optimizing resources for greater sustainability.

Focusing on guest experience, the report confirms that technology significantly improves hotel management, with 93% of Italian hoteliers recognizing its contribution. If room automation is no longer surprising, the real difference, for 95% of those surveyed, lies in the ability to recognize guest preferences to retain them. However, only 26% use data-driven approaches to understand customer desires while the majority rely on traditional feedback or staff intuition.

Applying neuroscience to the hotel industry

The VDA Telkonet Tech Report explores for the first time in Italy the application of neuroscience in the hospitality sector, finding that more than 60% of hoteliers are unfamiliar with this discipline. Watch how sleep quality index, air quality and environmental comfort turn out to be “very important” to most, despite the lack of awareness of neuroscience . While only 14% plan to implement solutions based on neuroscience, the first bold projects in this approach are beginning to emerge.

In the context of the report, it is highlighted that the hospitality sector is moving towards “human experience”, adopting sophisticated technologies and advanced neuroscience research. The mentioned pilot project, created in collaboration with a Brescia start-up at the forefront in this field, inaugurated in a hotel in Rome, employs a special module for neuroscientific monitoring . Through a strategic partnership, an algorithm processes data from key sensors and returns an objective index of customer performance.

The real progress of the hotel industry lies in the search for the well-being of all players in the hotel ecosystem. Missing out on the customer experience people experience is a 360-degree concept of authentic hospitality. Guided by a people-centered philosophy, it is essential to adopt sophisticated technologies and the latest neuroscience research to foster an innovative hospitality culture, providing a quality environment and experience that benefits the tourism industry as a whole.

Neuroscience is redefining key performance indicators (KPIs)

Neuroscience is essential for defining concrete key performance indicators (KPIs) for business success. For example, the quality of sleep, a crucial element for customers.

Optimal conditions, influenced by parameters such as air quality, light, temperature and humidity, can be regulated through technology, creating the ideal environment for quality sleep and a pleasant stay .

The operation provides for the installation of sensors connected to a guest room management system which, based on the results of neuroscience research and atmospheric factors in real time, dynamically regulate room conditions. The algorithm analyzes data in real time, modifying conditions to adapt to environmental changes, thus maintaining the highest level of comfort for guests.

The objectivity of neuroscience shines through in creating ideal room conditions, regardless of guest type. Creating optimized environments based on science benefits guests by improving their stay and increasing their satisfaction. Although the target parameters are similar in each property, the room management software adapts to the specificities of each, maintaining the positive effect on guest well-being.


VDA Telkonet's 2024 Technical Report marks a revolution in hospitality, anticipating a future where technology and neuroscience converge to redefine the guest experience. There People Experience emerges as the heart of the transformation, highlighting the crucial importance of technology in improving well-being and operational efficiency, as well as contributing to the sustainability of the hospitality sector.
